Welcome to the Health Physics Society
Find information and answers to your questions about radiation and radiation safety/protection. For many years radiation has been beneficial to human beings for medical diagnosis and therapy, scientific research, and generating electrical power. However, when used in unsafe ways, radiation can harm people. Care must be taken to properly use radiation and to minimize unnecessary radiation exposures. The health physicist's job is to manage the beneficial use of radiation. Learn more
Current News
- Board on Science Education Releases Understanding and Addressing Misinformation about Science
- Gilbert W. Beebe Symposium on AI and ML Applications
- New Messages Posted to Shewhart's Rules (Control Charts) on Members Forum
- IAEA and Discovery Channel Series on Nuclear Science
- ICRP Seeks Nominations for the Main Commission and Committee Membership
- Call for Board Member and Officer Nominations for 2025-2026 Election
- Did You Know? - HPS Officer and Director Nomination Process
- Colorado State University Student Branch Keeping Busy
- Nonionizing Section Encourages Attendance at IEEE ICES Subcommittee Meeting
- Applications Open for Student Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants
- Time for the 2025 HPS Election
- From the President: Thank You and Happy Holidays
- 70th HPS Annual Meeting: Holiday Greetings from Madison
- Update Chapter and Section Officer Information on HPS Website
- Renew Your HPS Membership
- NRC 2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity
- Decommissioning Section Webinar Series Continues
- Members Forum: Control Charts (Shewhart's Rules)
- 70th HPS Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts
- Cincinnati Radiation Society November Meeting
- 2025 HPS Election
- December Short Course Listings
- Colorado State University Uranium Mine Tour
- Health Physics Editor's Note: Welcome to the New Era!
- Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism Book by Andrew Karam
- ICRP Publication 155 Available
- White House Announces Framework for Expanding US Nuclear Energy
- HPAERC Needs Volunteers
- New England Chapter Recent Activities
- Call for Nominations for Medical Health Physics Section Board of Directors
- IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights: IRPA 16 Young Professionals
- IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights: US Delegation to IRPA 16
- IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights: Women in Radiation Protection Section Social
- IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights: Opening Ceremony and Monday Plenary
- Upcoming HPS Meetings
- IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights: Publications Booth Book Drawing
- IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting: Lessons Learned - Potential Changes for HPS Meetings Moving Forward
Upcoming Events
- Gilbert W. Beebe Symposium
AI & ML Applications in Radiation Therapy, Medical Diagnostics, and Radiation Occupational Health and Safety
13 - 14 March 2025
National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC - NRC Meeting Webcasts
- Worldwide Radiation Protection Meetings
- IAEA Nuclear Safety & Security Meetings
Various locations