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The 2022 IRPA North American Regional Congress—"Meeting the Challenges in the Practice of Radiation Protection"—was held 21–23 February, in St. Louis, Missouri. Virtual and in-person Professional Enrichment Program (PEP) courses were held on Sunday, 20 February, and covered a wide range of topics.

PEP 1A: "ICRU/ICRP Recommendations Applied to Medical Radiation Protection"
Cari Borrás, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

PEP 1B: "Inhalation Dose Assessments and Effect of Particle Size Assumptions"
Jason Davis, ORAU-REAC/TS

PEP 2A: "Role of the Radiation Safety Officer in Patient Safety"
Thomas Morgan, Versant Medical Physics

PEP 2B: "Where Did This Come From? Lessons Learned From High-Routine Bioassay Investigations"
Eugene Carbaugh, Retired, HPS Emeritus

PEP 2C: "The Case Against LNT"
Alan Fellman, NV5 Dade Moeller

PEP 3A: "Integration of Health Physics Into Emergency Response"
Steve Sugarman, Summit Exercises and Training

PEP 3B: "How to Perform Internal Dose Calculations for Nuclear Medicine Applications"
Michael Stabin, Dade Moeller/NV5 and RADAR

PEP 3C: "Statistics, Uncertainty, and Detection Decisions - A Practical Review for Health Physics Practitioners"
Doug Van Cleef, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

PEP 4A: "Radiation in Flight"
Joseph Shonka, Shonka Research Associates, Inc.

PEP 4B: "Radon Physics"
Robert Hayes, North Carolina State University
We will be sharing more photos from the congress in upcoming issues of Health Physics News.
If you attended IRPA 2022 live or virtually, you can revisit sessions you loved or those you missed by logging into the meeting site here. The Sign In button is at the top right side of the page. The sessions are available from the Schedule tab.
If you were unable to attend and would like to view sessions from the meeting, registration is still open on the meeting website.