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The 2022 IRPA North American Regional Congress—"Meeting the Challenges in the Practice of Radiation Protection"—was held 21–23 February, in St. Louis, Missouri. Virtual and in-person continuing education lectures and refresher courses were held throughout the week and were pertinent to the current practice in the wide field of radiation safety and protection, medical health physics, or research.

CEL-1: "Techniques to Communicate Program Activities, Trends, and Drivers"
Janet Gutiérrez, UTHealth, Houston, Texas

CEL-2: "Management of Generally Licensed Devices"
Mike Lewandowski, 3M Company

CEL-3: "Ethical Decision-Making Tools for Enhancing Organizational Radiation Safety Culture"
Robert Emery, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

REF-1: "Health Physics Considerations in the Planning and Operation of Proton Therapy Facilities"
Nisy Ipe, Consulting Radiation Physicist

REF-2: "Case Study: The 1976 Hanford Americium Accident and the Atomic Man"
Eugene Carbaugh, Retired, HPS Emeritus

REF-3: "Lu-177 Therapies, Things You Should Know"
Kendall Berry, Fox Chase Cancer Center

REF-4: "Writing Scientific Papers"
Brant Ulsh, Health Physics Journal Editor in Chief

REF-5: "VARSKIN+ 1.0: A Computer Code for Skin Contamination and Dosimetry Assessments
Colby Mangini, Renaissance Code Development

REF-6: "Laser Safety for Health Physicists"
Ben Edwards, Wolfspeed Inc.
We will be sharing more photos from the congress in upcoming issues of Health Physics News.
If you attended IRPA 2022 live or virtually, you can revisit sessions you loved or those you missed by logging into the meeting site here. The Sign In button is at the top right side of the page. The sessions are available from the Schedule tab.
If you were unable to attend and would like to view sessions from the meeting, registration is still open on the meeting website.