News Archive
Illinois Tech Students Celebrate Anniversary
The Illinois Tech Health Physics Program celebrated its 25th anniversary on 24 June 2022. The program began with the vision of Eli Port, Illinois Tech's radiation safety officer, and Carlo Segre, professor of physics. Since its founding, it has been designed to serve the needs of working radiation safety professionals. We also celebrated S.Y. Chen's retirement as the program's director for the last 10 years and the installation of David Scherer as the new director. Scherer comes to Illinois Tech from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

S.Y. Chen and David Scherer, surrounded by Illinois Tech health physics students at the 25th Anniversary celebration.
Photo courtesy of Mashael Almowallad
Illinois Tech Students Visit Missouri Research Reactor
Illinois Tech students traveled to the Missouri University Research Reactor (MURR) for a week to learn radiochemistry laboratory techniques. The course was taught by J. David Robertson, MURR's director, under an agreement with the Illinois Tech Health Physics Program. Students learned about techniques used at MURR ranging from neutron activation analysis for archaeological research to isotope production for medical imaging and therapy.

DJ Leclear (Illinois Tech) practices decontamination techniques under the watchful eye of Tim Graham (MURR).
Photo courtesy of Gayla Neumeyer