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Congratulations to the recipients of the awards presented at the 67th Health Physics Society (HPS) Annual Meeting in Spokane. Information on HPS awards can be found on the Awards page, Fellowships page, and Scholarships page of the HPS website.
Sara Dumit
HPS Elda E. Anderson Award

Elda E. Anderson Awardee Sara Dumit with HPS Past President Eric Goldin
Photo courtesy of Edward Wallace
Good afternoon!
The first HPS annual meeting that I attended was right here in Spokane in 2016. I remember being impressed with the technical program and the wonderful people I met. I am grateful to return to Spokane to receive this prestigious award, which I deeply respect and take very seriously. I am incredibly honored, and I give all glory, honor, and praise to God. I remember where I came from and the many challenges I have faced. I thank Jesus for giving me strength and wisdom, guiding my steps to the health physics field, and making me succeed. I thank the HPS for recognizing my accomplishments thus far and believing in my potential for continued excellence in the health physics field and continued service to the HPS.
I would not be standing here today without the support of so many outstanding people. I thank my PhD advisor, Dr. Sergei Tolmachev. He introduced me to internal dosimetry and was the most supportive mentor a student could ever have. I thank him and all the USTUR staff for teaching me so much. I am grateful to the Rio Grande Chapter of the HPS. In particular, Past President Kris Hyatt and President Christine Bullock. They believed in me and nominated me for this award. Thank you. I am also grateful to my postdoctoral mentors, Dr. John Klumpp, Dr. Luiz Bertelli, and Dr. Guthrie Miller, for their never-ending support and for believing in my potential. Thank you.

Left to right: HPS Past President Eric Goldin, Abi Joy (face concealed), Sara and Felix Dumit, and HPS President John Cardarelli.
Photo courtesy of Edward Wallace
I thank my former and current Division Leaders at Los Alamos National Laboratory: Maria Nappi, Jeff Hoffman, and Stephanie Archuleta, for everything they did for me these past four years. Thank you. I thank HPS Past President Nolan Hertel and Ali Simpkins, who believed I would be a great fit for the HPS Public Information Committee, of which I am still a member. Thank you.
Lastly, but most importantly, I thank my husband, Felix, who has been my greatest supporter in life for the past 10 years. I also thank my mom and dad, Lucia and Adauri, and my sister, Raquel, for always loving and believing in me. In conclusion, I dedicate this award to my beautiful and precious daughter, Abi Joy.
Thank you!
Harold L. Beck

HPS Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award
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Huitzilin Ortiz

Geoffrey G. Eichholz Outstanding Science Teacher Award
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Davarshi Dalal

Student Science Award, "Use of Artificial Intelligence for Obtaining Optimal Wrist X Rays"
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HPS Fellow Award

Left to right, Keith Eckerman, Philip C. Fulmer, John Keklak, and David Medich
Submitted photos-Eckerman and Keklak, Photos courtesy of Edward Wallace-Fulmer and Medich
Chris Clement

G. William Morgan Lectureship Award
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Kathy Held

G. William Morgan Lectureship Award
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Edward Calabrese

Robert S. Landauer, Sr., Lectureship Award
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Student Fellowships
Health Physics Society Fellowships: Robert Dawson, University of Florida; Sean Domal, University of Florida
Robert Gardner Memorial Fellowship: Ryan Tan, University of Tennessee
Robert S. Landauer, Sr., Memorial Fellowship: Andrew Rosenstrom, Georgia Institute of Technology
Richard J. Burk, Jr., Fellowship: Sarah Donaher, Clemson University
J. Newell Stannard Memorial Fellowship: Jillian Newmyer, Oregon State University
Dade W. Moeller Scholarship: Ethan Asano, Texas A&M
F. Ward Whicker Scholarship: Yuiko Chino, Colorado State University

Student fellowship awardees who were able to attend the award ceremony, left to right, Robert Dawson, Sarah Donaher, Andrew Rosenstrom, Jillian Newmyer, and Ryan Tan
Photo courtesy of Edward Wallace
Student Travel Grants
Vanessa Adriatico, Oregon State University
Johnson Aina, Idaho State University
Mashael Almowallad, Illinois Institute of Technology
Eric Ofosu Asare, University of Ghana-School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences
Ignacio Bartol, Georgia Institute of Technology
Yuiko Chino, ERHS, Colorado State University
Long Kiu Chung, Stanford University
Christopher Davis, University of Michigan
Jeremiah Edwards, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Philip Gyan, KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School
Jordan Hillis, Texas A&M University
Jarriah Hooker, Alcorn State University
De'Marcus Jackson, Alcorn state University
Matthew Jalbert, Worcester Polytechninc Institute
Chukwuka James, Alcorn State University
Elif Kara, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich/Helmholtz Zentrum Munch
Andrew Kent, University of Michigan
Ryan Kim, University of Michigan
Philippe Laporte, Universite de Montreal
Heechan Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology
Matthew Louis, Georgia Institute of Technology
Anna Manfredo, Illinois Institute of Technology
Dmitri Margot, Georgia Institute of Technology
Emmanuel Mate-Kole, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jordan Noey, University of Michigan
April Parks, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Paul Pierson, Columbia Basin College
Michael Robinson, University of Michigan
Abdullahi Shittu, King Abdulaziz University
Felicia Shoulders, Alcorn State University
Jonas Smith, Clemson University
Colin Stewart, University of Michigan
Colett Treas, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Bryanna Wattier, Clemson University
Raquema Williams, University of Alabama at Birmingham

A group of Student Travel Grant awardees at the 67th HPS Annual Meeting
Photo courtesy of Edward Wallace
HPS 50-Year Members
John F. Agnew
Jerry D. Allison
Caridad Borras
Howard W. Dickson
Richard L. Doty
Michael P. Grissom
John Handloser, Jr.
Paul W. Harvey
Elizabeth P. Katsikis
Sheila I. Kronenberger
Linda L. Morris
Francis M. Roddy
Mike Singh
Henry B. Spitz
Orhan Suleiman
John E. Till
HPS Accelerator Section Awards
Jordan Hillis
H. Wade Patterson
Memorial Award 2022

Jordan Hillis, Texas A&M University received the 2022 H. Wade Patterson Memorial Award at the HPS Meeting in Spokane, Washington, in recognition of her presentation "Analysis of Relative Hazards and Detection Capabilities for Radionuclides at the Spallation Neutron Source."
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Andrew Rosenstrom
Lutz Moritz
Memorial Award 2022

Andrew Rosenstrom, Georgia Institute of Technology, received the 2022 Lutz Moritz Memorial Award at the HPS Meeting in Spokane, Washington, in recognition of his presentation "High Power Beam Dump Shielding Design for the LCLS-II-HE Low Emittance Injector."
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HPS Academic, Industrial, and Research Radiation Safety (AIRRS) Section Award
University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) Radiation Safety Office
Outstanding Radiation Safety Program Award

Section President Latha Vasudevan, left center, presents the first AIRRS Section Outstanding Radiation Safety Program Award to the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The award was accepted by Steven Snay, the university's radiation safety officer, and his team members.
Photo courtesy of Latha Vasudevan
HPS Homeland Security and Emergency Response Section Award
Daniel J. Blumenthal
Distinguished Service Award

Homeland Security and Emergency Response Section President William "Bill" Irwin, right, presents the 2022 Homeland Security and Emergency Response Section "Distinguished Service Award" to Daniel Blumenthal, PhD, CHP, FHPS, US Department of Energy, Attaché, US Embassy in Israel, during the section's business meeting at the annual meeting of the HPS in Spokane, Washington. The section will be holding an election for new officers and reviewing proposed changes to section bylaws and other documents with section members this fall.
Photo courtesy of Casper Sun
HPS Military Health Physics Section Awards
Michael "Mike" R. Call
Civilian Superior Service Award

COL Ricardo Reyes, US Army, right, presents the 2022 Military Health Physics Section "Civilian Superior Service Award" to Michael R. "Mike" Call, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Accepting the award for Call is CAPT Greg Fairchild, US Navy, director for Radiological Controls, Naval Sea Systems Command. The award consists of a plaque.
Photo courtesy of Casper Sun
Brian B. Hearty
Civilian Superior Service Award

COL Ricardo Reyes, US Army, right, presents the 2022 Military Health Physics Section Section "Civilian Superior Service Award" to Brian B. Hearty, US Army Corp of Engineers. Accepting the award for Hearty is Timothy Mikulski, radiation safety officer for the US Army. The award consists of a plaque.
Photo courtesy of Casper Sun
Kristina D. Yepez
Young Military Health Physicist of the Year Award

COL Ricardo Reyes, US Army, right, presents the 2022 Military Health Physics Section "Young Military Health Physicist of the Year Award" to LT Kristina D. Yepez, MSC, US Navy. Accepting the Award for LT Yepez is CAPT Greg Fairchild, US Navy, director for Radiological Controls, Naval Sea Systems Command. The award consists of a certificate and one year membership in the Health Physics Society.
Photo courtesy of Casper Sun
Charles H. Roadman II, MD, Lt. Gen. USAF (Ret.)
Commander James Cassata Memorial Lecture Award

Charles H. Roadman II, MD, Lt. Gen. US Air Force (Ret.)
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Charles H. Roadman II, MD, Lt. Gen. US Air Force (Ret.), delivered the first "Commander James Cassata Memorial Lecture" as one of Wednesday's plenary session speakers at the 67th HPS Annual Meeting in Spokane, Washington, July 2022. This was the first lecture to honor the memory and accomplishments of Commander James "Jim" Cassata, MSC, US Navy (Ret.); this lectureship was established by the Military Health Physics Section in 2021.
Dr. Roadman retired in 1999 as the Surgeon General of the United States Air Force and was responsible for health care policy, quality of care, resource allocation, and oversight of health services to 2.4 million beneficiaries through an integrated health care delivery system of 79 treatment facilities worldwide and 48,000 medical personnel. In 2007 he served as a member of the Department of Defense Independent Review Group, chartered by the Secretary of Defense to review the rehabilitation and administrative processes at Walter Reed and Bethesda. Roadman has a BS in geology from Washington and Lee University and an MD from Emory University School of Medicine. During the clinical phase of his career, he was a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist. He is the former chair of the congressionally mandated Veterans' Advisory Board on Dose Reconstruction (VBDR). His lecture was titled "The History and Accomplishments of the Veterans' Advisory Board on Dose Reconstruction."

Commander James Cassata
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Commander James "Jim" Cassata was a retired naval officer, former executive secretary of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, health physicist with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and former president of the HPS Military Health Physics Section. He is perhaps best known for designing the radiation dosimeter that annually monitors ~55,000 naval personnel. Following the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station radiological releases, he led the Department of Defense (DOD) effort in establishing an internal dose monitoring program and was part of the joint military group that completed the upper-bound dose calculations for over 75,000 DOD-affiliated individuals who were living or working in or around Japan during the months following the earthquake. Jim personified the military health physics community's commitment and ongoing concern for active-duty military personnel, their families, and our veterans. The Military Health Physics Section looks forward to future lectures honoring Commander James Cassata.
American Academy of Health Physics Awards
Dr. Samuel Baker

Joyce P. Davis Memorial Award
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James P. Nunn

Nancy K. Johnson National Service Award
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Wei-Hsung Wang

William A. McAdams Outstanding Service Award
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