News Archive
John Aperans, Past President

Attendees of the James Turner Symposium
Photo courtesy of John Aperans
Dr. James Turner, who authored several references still in use in the industry, was a member of the East Tennessee Chapter, Health Physics Society (ETCHPS). On his passing several years ago, the chapter voted to honor him with a "Back to School" weekend technical session. Members, as well as students from the University of Tennessee, are invited to give a 15–20-minute presentation on operational or technical health physics topics. On Saturday, 11 February 2023, 20 dedicated souls of the ETCHPS gathered at Roane State Community College in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for the annual James Turner Symposium. We gathered for fellowship and to hone our speaking skills and relearn things we have forgotten. Our guest speaker was HPS President-elect Elizabeth Brackett, who updated us on dose reconstruction efforts. Other topics included the decommissioning of the NS Savannah and Radiation Risk and the Linear No-Threshold Theory (LNT).