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HPS members, left to right, Rob Buchheit, CHP; John Harris; Geena Quiñones; Dan Sowers, CHP; Alex Hunt, NRRPT; and Tim Hart.
Photos courtesy of Dan Sowers
Health Physics Society (HPS) members from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) participated in an open house on 14 June 2023 at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, highlighting some capabilities and talking radiation, dosimetry, and NORM. This was part of a larger effort in the Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health department to showcase safety as a collective effort of which everyone owns a part. As a conversation starter, affirmative answers to questions of "Are these cookies actually radioactive?" sparked much curiosity—especially, as one would expect, after Geena placed the uranium-frosted cookie onto Tim's Fiesta® ware plate. Never a dull moment in health physics at DTRA!