News Archive
Adapted from CRCPD Newsbrief, June 2023

Angela Leek, left, and CRCPD Chairperson Patrick Mulligan
Photo courtesy of CRCPD
Health Physics Society Director Angela Leek, CHP, received the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Gerald S. Parker Award in May 2023 for her significant contribution in the field of radiation protection and for her contributions to the mission of the CRCPD. Angela served on the CRCPD Board of Directors for six years, as a member-at-large for three years and as chairperson from 2021 to 2022. As a Board member, Angela served as council chair for the Suggested State Regulations (SSR) Council. Both as an officer and council chair, she served the organization in an exemplary manner. Angela was instrumental in the formation of a steering committee for the SSRs and has thus improved the quality and timeliness of the model state regulations. She also has been instrumental in the development and growth of the Radiological Operations Support Specialist program. This program is crucial to the nation's ability to respond to radiological incidents. CRCPD and the radiation protection community have benefited from Angela's passion, knowledge, leadership, and tireless work in the field of radiation protection.