News Archive
Photos courtesy of Edward Wallace unless otherwise indicated
Elda E. Anderson Award
Deepesh Poudel

Deepesh Poudel, left, was presented the Elda E. Anderson Award by Eric Goldin.
Elda E. Anderson Award Acceptance Speech
Deepesh Poudel
Good afternoon,
I feel quite anxious at giving speeches, and even contemplated just waving from my seat, but I feel like it is important for me to step out of my comfort zone and express my gratitude to the wonderful people who have helped me get to where I am.
First on the list are Dr. Richard Brey and Dr. Jason Harris, my professors at Idaho State University. In 2010, I was an undergrad at Idaho State University enrolled in the biology program, but I also wanted to study physics, chemistry, and more. I was flipping through the undergraduate catalog and stumbled upon the health physics program—it had a little bit of everything I wanted to study: physics, biology, computer science, and mathematics! I emailed Dr. Brey right away, talked to him for an hour, talked to Dr. Harris, and I was convinced right there that it was the right field for me. Three degrees in health physics and 12 years later, here I am accepting this incredible honor! I am so grateful to Dr. Brey and Dr. Harris for not only teaching me the fundamentals of health physics, but also instilling in me the love for the field and for always, always being there for me, no matter what I needed.
I must also express my gratitude to Eric Krage, my classmate from Idaho State University, who encouraged me to "get out there" and got me into this addicting—and rewarding—path of volunteering for the Society.
I want to thank my current and past bosses at Los Alamos National Laboratory—Dr. Milan Gadd, Stephanie Archuleta, Jeff Hoffman, and Maria Nappi—for their relentless efforts to overcome the challenges of my foreign nationality and ensuring I could continue my work at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). I am so thankful that my team lead at LANL, Dr. John Klumpp, thought I was the right fit for the job—I am very grateful that he provides an exceptional working environment that allows me to learn and grow. I am so grateful to have gotten a chance to work with Dr. Luiz Bertelli and Dr. Ray Guilmette and for the opportunities to continuously bother them with many questions. I am grateful for the opportunities to collaborate with incredible people in the field: Sergei Tolmachev, Guthrie Miller, Dunstana Melo, Maia Avtandilashvili, Sara Dumit, and George Tabatadze—I have learned so much from them! I am very grateful to Dr. Thomas Johnson for working with me together on many of the things I do for the Society.
I want to thank Dr. Charles Wilson from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) for convincing me that I am a suitable candidate for this award and for putting together the nomination package. I am also thankful to Dr. Emily Caffrey—my role model when it comes to service for the Society—for writing the letter of support. I want to thank Dr. Craig Little and many of the people I mentioned earlier—Drs. Brey, Caffrey, Harris, Johnson, Tolmachev, and Wilson—for their supporting letters.
I would not be standing here without the support of my wife Ramila—her boundless love and her constant presence have been my source of strength. She believes in me more than anyone else does—perhaps not as much as my team leader but definitely more than myself. I am thankful to have someone like her by my side for the last 15 years, constantly reminding me of my potential. I am thankful to my parents for allowing me to leave Nepal to pursue a better future in the Unites States. Now that I am a father myself—I have a 2-year-old—I understand the pain and suffering my parents endured in letting me come to a country thousands of miles away, where I knew no one and barely spoke the language. I am so glad they made that sacrifice for me.
Finally, I want to thank the Health Physics Society that has given me so much over the last decade or so, from travel grants to scholarships and fellowships, but most importantly, for the network it exposed me to and for the opportunities it provided me. I hope to give back to the Society as much as it has given me.
I also hope to be able to live up to the expectations of the award. I was at the award breakfast on Monday, and I looked around at the remarkable individuals who have previously received the award, including my own professors and other individuals I deeply admire. I am incredibly humbled, and I can't help but acknowledge that I still have much to learn and accomplish on my journey! To me, the award is more of a reminder of what I still must do than it is a testament to my accomplishments so far.
Thank you!
Elda Anderson Breakfast

The Elda Anderson Breakfast was held Monday, 24 July, in honor of past and present recipients of the HPS Elda E. Anderson Award. Attendees included, front row, left to right, Paul Ziemer, Kenneth Kase, Ali Simpkins, Kathryn A. Higley, Nicole Martinez, 2023 Elda E. Anderson Award recipient Deepesh Poudel, Emily Caffrey, Sara Dumit, and Shaheen Dewji; back row, left to right, Scott O. Schwahn, Richard Brey, Derek Jokisch, Charles Wilson, Jason Harris, Peter Caracappa, and Timothy DeVol.
Founders Award
David Connolly

David Connelly, left, was presented the Founders Award by Eric Goldin.
Geoffry G. Eichholz Outstanding Science Teacher Award
Ann Marie Dubick

Submitted photo
Fellows of the Health Physics Society

2023 Fellows, left to right, Robert Hayes, James M. Shuler, Robert J. Emery, Elaine T. Marshall, Richard R. Brey, Jama VanHorne-Sealy, Kathleen Dinnel-Jones, Allen Mabry, James R. Sherrard, Thomas Morgan III, and John Cardarelli II
Lectureship Awards

Robert S. Landauer, Sr., Lectureship Award: James Giordano, PhD, MPhil

G. William Morgan Lectureship Award: Dr. Douglas Boreham, PhD
HPS 50-Year Members

Eric Goldin, center, presented HPS 50-year membership certificates to, left to right, David Miller, Craig Little, Stewart Bland, and Michael Wangler.
J. Stewart Bland
Arthur Desrosiers
Clayton French
Winborn Gregory
Bruce A. Horn
Eileen Hotte
Judson Kenoyer
Craig A. Little
Larry W. Luckett
Jay A. MacLellan
Robert L. Metzger
David W. Miller
Nicholas Panzarino
Sander C. Perle
Lawrence N. Rothenberg
Alan Schoenfeld
Joseph J. Shonka
Maria Sordi
Michael E. Wangler
50-Year Affiliate Member: ORTEC

Photo courtesy of Rachel Johnson
Student Fellowships
Burton J. Moyer Fellowship
Bryanna Wattier, Clemson University
Health Physics Society Fellowship
Anilu Diaz, Francis Marion University
Health Physics Society Fellowship
Heechan Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology
Robert Gardner Memorial Fellowship
Ignacio Bartol, Georgia Institute of Technology
Robert S. Landauer, Sr., Memorial Fellowship
Dmitri Margot, Georgia Institute of Technology
Richard J. Burk, Jr., Fellowship
Annelise Gonzales, Clemson University
J. Newell Stannard Memorial Fellowship
Emmanuel Mate-Kole, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dade W. Moeller Scholarship
Suman Shrestha, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dade W. Moeller Scholarship Memorializing Kelly Austin
Anna Manfredo, Illinois Institute of Technology
F. Ward Whicker Scholarship
Jonathan Whipple, Oregon University
Student Travel Grant Recipients
Sherry Adadi, Georgia Institute of Technology
Johnson Aina, Idaho State University
Andrea Alipio, University of Santo Tomas
Samuel Arnold (AIRRS), University of Alabama at Birmingham
Eric Ofosu Asare, University of Ghana-School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences
Melissa Bailey, Oregon State University
Alex Baty (Decommissioning), University of Alabama at Birmingham
Ridhita Binte Borhan (Decommissioning), University of Massachusetts Lowell
Chandler Burgos (AIRRS), Purdue University
Christine Dulohan, University of Santo Tomas Graduate School
Mohammad Omar Faruque Fahim, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Jacob Farkas (Decommissioning), Purdue University
David Gonzalez, Georgia Institute of Technology
Thomas Grier, Purdue University
Philip Gyan, KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School
Christina Hewett, Illinois Institute of Technology
Chukwuka James, Alcorn State University
Elif Kara, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Maruf Hassan Khan (Decommissioning), Purdue University, West Lafayette
Joeun Lee, Purdue University
William Lynn (Decommissioning), University of Alabama at Birmingham
Arielle Miller (Medical Health Physics), University of Alabama at Birmingham
Martin Murungi, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Stephen Reed, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Andrew Rosenstrom, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ricky Sahagun, Purdue University
Abdullahi Shittu, King Abdulaziz University
Lancer Smith (Medical Health Physics), University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sarah Sublett, Colorado State University
Theodore Thomas, Purdue University
Yi Wei, Georgia Institute of Technology
Paige Witter, Colorado State University