News Archive
13 October 2023
Highlights of the 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Quiz Bowl
Photos courtesy of Edward Wallace

Thank you to the judges and workers who helped make this year's Quiz Bowl a fun and competitive event.

The winning Yellow Jackets team, left to right, Heechan Lee, Ignacio Bartol, Sherry Adadi, and Andrew Rosenstrom (all from Georgia Tech)

The Boilermakers team, left to right, Thomas Grier, Chandler Burgos, and Jacob Farkas (all from Purdue)

The Fermi team, left to right, Niranjan Chavan (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Eric Ofosu Asare (University of Ghana), and Mohammad Omar Faruque Fahim (University of Michigan)

The UAB Team, left to right, Alex Baty, Martin Murungi, Spenser Lynn, and Chandler Cotton (all from the University of Alabama)