News Archive
J. Matthew Barnett, Committee Chair
N13 Annual Business Meeting
The annual N13, Radiation Protection, business meeting was held on 26 October 2023 at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Headquarters in Washington, DC. During the 2023 fiscal year, N13 approved seven ballots mostly related to new work group chairs and work group members; there were 11 external inquiries during the year that were addressed as well.

In attendance at the N13, Radiation Protection, business meeting were, left to right, Lowell Ralston (EPA alternate), Jon Walsh (EPA), Matthew Mille (Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards), Matthew Barnett (N13 chair), Lieutenant Commander Aaron Thompson (US Department of Defense), Cindy Flannery (Nuclear Regulatory Commission), and Amy Wride-Graney (HPS Standards Coordinator).
Photo courtesy of J. Matthew Barnett
In recognition of N13 members who retired or moved to new positions during the year, Certificates of Appreciation were awarded. The individuals recognized were:
- Ali Simpkins, American Nuclear Society
- Glenn Sullivan, Council on Radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Harrison (Skip) Kerschner, Institute of Nuclear Materials Management
- Ben Estes, US Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- James Dillard, US Department of Energy
- Sandy Hyman, Internal Dosimetry N13 Section Manager
N13 activities are summarized every six months and posted to the Committee Reports under the Members Only section of the HPS website.