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Great Lakes Chapter Board
The Great Lakes Chapter of the Health Physics Society (GLCHPS) hosted an in-person event on 23 October 2023 in Detroit, Michigan. The speakers were HPS Treasurer Kendall Berry, radiation safety officer at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, and Andy Miller, director of radiation safety at Cleveland Clinic.
The topics included basics of Lutetium-177 therapy, lessons learned, and waste issues with ideas for solutions. It was a great meeting that was very well attended by physicists from the Great Lakes region and beyond!
The event also involved a tour of a motion analysis laboratory at the Bone and Joint Center at Wayne State University’s Integrative Biosciences Center in Detroit. The tour involved visiting laboratories with a DXA scanner and other imaging suites used for treatment and research studies. The tour was hosted by Daniel Oravec, senior research engineer at Henry Ford Health System.
GLCHPS membership information is available on the chapter's website.

Ian Lake introducing Andy Miller to the members
Photo courtesy of Maha Srinivasan

Alan Jackson introducing Kendall Berry to the members
Photo courtesy of Maha Srinivasan