News Archive
Wade C. Morris, Chapter President
The Cincinnati Radiation Society (CRS) held its preholiday meeting on Wednesday, 20 November 2024, to elect/reelect officers and to take a look back in history to when the CRS was formed by Bob Gallaghar in 1953 so we can prepare a vision for the future. The meeting was held at the University of Cincinnati, where an abundance of conversation, pizza, and beverages of all types freely flowed throughout the evening.
The slate of newly elected officers includes Doug Draper as president-elect, Terry Lindley as secretary/treasurer, and Halder Hernandez to the Board of Directors. Existing members of the Board of Directors include Henry Spitz and Mutty Sharfi. The interests of the CRS membership and the mission of the Cincinnati Radiation Society maintain a strong focus on the science that promotes radiological safety and health for workers, the population, and the environment. Although the majority of past CRS members were employed at former Department of Energy facilities, new members are mostly from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), NIOSH contractors, hospitals, and other related industries that have an interest in radiation safety. Wade Morris summarized recent activities of the CRS showing how the current membership maintains strong support for their professional organization. Tim Taulbee followed with a suggestion for outreach to share CRS meetings via Zoom with other nearby Health Physics Society (HPS) chapters to promote collaboration in our geographical area. Although the CRS has a long history that predates the formal organization of the HPS, the membership and officers of the CRS are looking forward to a productive and exciting future.

Attendees at the CRS November meeting
Photo courtesy of Tim Taulbee

CRS Executive Council
Photo courtesy of Tim Taulbee

CRS November meeting
Photo courtesy of Wade Morris